Saint Cecilia Catholic Community

555 North Commercial Road #1
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Saint Cecilia Catholic Community is a small church located in Palm Springs, CA. Our church was founded in 2015 and is Catholic.
What to Expect at Saint Cecilia Catholic Community
Rev. David Justin Lynch, Pastor
Sharon Kay Talley, Parish Deacon
Natalya Koren, MA, Music Director
Michelle Fiore, Cantor
Service Times:
Sunday Sung Mass 10:30am
Wednesday Low Mass 12:15pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Communion
- Location: Riverside County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
- Services also offered in: Spanish
Ministries and Programs
- Weekly small groups
- Men/women's ministry
- Choir
- Weddings/receptions
- Funerals
- Other ministries and programs: Bible Study; Small Group Fellowships
Additional Info About Our Church
We offer traditional worship with progressive theology
Saint Cecilia Catholic Community is a musical church that worships the Creator God in the beauty of holiness, preaches the good news of God Incarnate to the poor and oppressed, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, offers all sacraments to everyone.
Our Values are Dignity, Artistry, Inclusivity, Equality, and Justice
We unapologetically offer tradition Catholic Liturgy in the High Church Tradition that respects the dignity of God and is rich with music of all periods and styles. We encourage both lay and professional musical participation from singers, instrumentalists, and composers. We also encourage graphic and electronic arts. We want and need everyone rejected at other churches for whatever reason. There are no outcasts. We respect the dignity of all persons and animals, treating everyone as a beloved child of God. We speak truth to power on the side of the poor and the oppressed.