Temple of Unified Christians Brick Church

7 Prospect Street
East Orange, NJ 07017
Temple of Unified Christians Brick Church is a medium-sized church located in East Orange, NJ. Our church was founded in 1968 and is Baptist.
What to Expect at Temple of Unified Christians Brick Church
Jean Maurice, Senior Pastor
Jean Salomon, Associate Pastor
Jean Feguens, Associate Pastor
Service Times:
Saturday Fast and Prayer Service (French/Creole) 6:30am
Sunday Service (English) 8:00am
Sunday Service (French/Creole) 11:00am
Wednesday Bible Study (French/Creole) 7:00pm
Friday Prayer Service (French/Creole) 7:00pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Blend of traditional and contemporary worship style
- Location: Essex County
Ministries and Programs
- Youth or teen ministry
- Young adult ministry
- Men/women's ministry
Additional Info About Our Church
Mission Statement:
To bring people to Jesus and membership to his family, develop them to Christ like maturity, and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God's name.
Purpose Statement:
Magnify: We celebrate God s presence in Worship
Mission: We communicate God s word through evangelism
Membership: We incorporate God s family into our fellowship
Maturity: We educate God s people through discipleship
Ministry: We demonstrate God s love through service.