Fellowship Assembly of God Church

Assemblies of God
619 Lee Road 243
Smiths Station, AL 36877
Fellowship Assembly of God Church is a small church located in Smiths Station, AL. Our church was founded in x and is associated with the Assemblies of God (AG).
What to Expect at Fellowship Assembly of God Church
Tim Cole, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Morning Worship and Children's Church 10:50am
Sunday Prayer 5:30pm
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Blend of traditional and contemporary worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Communion
- Altar call or invitation
- Location: Lee County
Ministries and Programs
- Weekly small groups
Additional Info About Our Church
At Fellowship Assembly, We have a vision. Our purpose and desire is to be a Lighthouse to our community and bring healing to people's lives through intimacy with God. Philo said, Be kind, because everyone you meet is going through some kind of battle. People are hurting on so many levels. Jesus is the healer. He heals broken hearts and broken lives. He invites us to give him the ashes of our broken lives and He will give us a beautiful new life. He invites us to give him our crushing sorrow and he will give us a fountain of joy bubbling up on the inside. He invites us to give him our depression and he will give us dancing clothes, and a spirit of celebration to enjoy life. In Jesus is everything we need. As we draw close to him and enter into an intimate relationship with him, we find ourselves healed and our lives changed. God is doing great things at Fellowship Assembly! If you are looking for a Church family, We welcome you to prayerfully consider our Church. You are Always Welcome At Fellowship Assembly. In Christ's Love and Ours, Pastor Tim Cole The Family of God at Fellowship Assembly.
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For Further Information
- (706) 610-3435